Research or to be “Researched”: Back to Nature

Most people are too busy with their routines. Most of us forget the basic question, “Who am I?” and “Why I am in this world?”. Human nature always focuses on the word “self” and the word “I”. Whatever we are doing, we always think of ourselves. When we write an article, most of us would start thinking –…

Dillema for a New Blogger: Giving Up

It took me a week to rethink shall i continue writing blogs after receiving very negative feedback when I post my blog and share it in Facebook. “It was the worst article I had ever read. The language cannot be understood and it tarnish the reputation of academic world”. This statement hold me back from…

A Short History of SEM

Last week, a simple quiz to test researcher on the Understanding Fundamental of Structural Equation Modelling. In 20th century, Spearman (1904) laid the foundation of factor analysis. He tried to trace he different dimensions of intelligence to general intelligence factor. Thurstone (1947) invented multi-factor analysis and factor rotation (factor analysis) to serve different dimension. He did…

Understanding Fundamental of Structure Equation Modelling

A lot of students apply Structure Equation Modelling (SEM) when conducting their Ph.D research. However, some students do not understand the fundamental or evolution of SEM.  Understanding of metamorphosis, development and evolution of different researchers help you to appreciate their contribution. Let’s give you some tips.  Please put in the comment  how does these philosophers (in pictures below)…

International Deligate: revealing secret of nonverbal communication 

Innovation and creativity are important to create an interesting and engagement strategies in the organisation. Delegates from more than 10 countries attended a workshop at Malaysia Taxation Academy to learn nonverbal communication skills to enhance their creativity and innovation. HB Academy is selected to be the expert to share on this topic. To learn more for nonverbal…